Thursday, September 18, 2014

Quick update

Here are some of Parker's cute 2-year pictures.
At his 2-year check-up, he was 26 lbs, 4 oz (27th percentile) and 37.25 in (>95th percentile).  My lean, tall boy!
He is such a sweet, smart, and funny boy.  We do get a few moments of the terrible twos, and it's challenging to know how to handle those moments.  However, overall, he is a calm and well-behaved baby.

Because Parker loves open-play gymnastics, we enrolled in a mommy-and-me gymnastics class.  It's fun, he's actually learning a few basic gymnastics skills, and he's learning how to behave in a group setting and doing well with that.
We've started going to church again.  The first three weeks were tough on Parker, but last week went well once we left him in the nursery.  I also joined a gym, and Parker is having a hard time in the nursery there.  It is very sad every morning when he pleads with me, sometimes with tears, "No church!  No gym!"  My poor, sweet baby.
Looking pitiful after a rough church outing

Parker loves letters.  He can sing the alphabet, often figures out the first letters of words, and can read the words "zoo," "go," and "cat."  He sometimes recognizes "Parker," too.
He recently grasped that we go to bed when it's dark, and we wake up and play when the sunshine comes out.  He often says, "Mommy, watch this!  Mommy, watch this!" when he's doing something exciting. We played hide-and-seek at gymnastics, and now Parker loves to play it at home.  He's funny because he either watches us hide while he's counting or he squeals and comes running from his hiding spot when we try to find him. Silly boy!
While we own two children's potties, we haven't started potty training yet.  I'm kind of dreading it and don't think Parker is ready.  Exhibit A: "happy birthday hat."