Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Have a Happy Halloween!

We are so excited to dress Parker up and take him trick-or-treating!  This is his first holiday!  Here are some pics from festivities so far.
Halloween festival
Parker slept through the festival
Look at this sweet face!

Himal carved our pumpkin tonight
I wanted to get Parker's picture with the pumpkin, but he slept through the carving.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yesterday, Parker made his first craft during play group.  Everyone else made hand spiders but he didn't want to unclench his fists, so feet ghosts it was!  He's so artistic; I'm a proud mom.  :-)
Parker is doing well in his crib.  He slept for 7 straight hours the other night!  We love our Summer Infant touch screen video monitor even though the picture reminds us of a horror movie.  I can just picture a demon creeping into the screen shot.  Creepy.  We can scan the room and even see that he's breathing.  This is his normal sleeping position with his hands up.  Such a funny little guy.
Even though he still can't really "do" anything, Parker has entertained himself a little bit lately with his toys while I have gotten dressed.  I even washed my hair this morning while he was "playing."  See how he's grasping the toy in the picture below?  He can't control his grasp yet and doesn't seem to know that he's doing it, but sometimes he swats at the toys hanging down or even grabs onto them. 
We had to drop by my workplace today, and Parker was a complete doll letting people ooh and ahh over him (he even flashed a couple of smiles) before falling asleep in my arms.  Everyone always comments on his eyes.  They are so big and alert, and we can't tell what color they are going to be.  The color varies day-to-day based on what he's wearing.
Tomorrow, we are going to a Halloween festival at the farmer's market.  It's so much fun having a little guy to take to these things.  Here he is in his Halloween PJs getting very excited about trick-or-treating.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Catching up

Parker is now 11 weeks old.  Time flies!!   
To catch you up on the past month or so...  Parker has been able to form tears for about a month, but it took until a few days ago for them to actually spill down his cheeks.  It's so pitiful when they do!  He's produced a lot of drool and spit up lately, and we go through burp cloths like crazy.  His head control keeps getting better, and he can push up a little on his forearms when he's on his tummy.
Parker does a lot with his hands, grasping things (not intentionally), holding on to my shirt when nursing, making fists, etc.  His hands are always in motion, and I love to watch them in action.  His awareness and focus have improved, and he now enjoys watching the lights on his play mat and sometimes looks at the screen when Skyping with his grandparents.  He responds with smiles and coos often when we talk to him,

and he thinks it's so funny when I stick my tongue out at him.  Sometimes, he even tries to mimic me.
We've been pretty busy lately.  I discovered a group workout program called Stroller Strides (www.strollerstrides.com) that moms can do with their babies.  We enjoy getting out in the fresh air, getting a workout, and interacting with other moms and babies on the days when Parker is up for it.  We took an infant massage class with our friends Maggi and Lily and have gone on a couple of walks with them by the river.  Parker had his 2 month checkup and got a series of vaccinations; he slept about 24 hours straight as he recovered.  Here he is that evening.  Poor baby.  :-(
We took him on his first trip near the end of Sept.  We traveled about 2 hours with his grandmama and granddaddy to spend the night with his great granddaddy at his farm.  He met a great aunt and some great uncles and visited his great great aunt in the hospital.  He did pretty well on the short trip. 
In front of the pack house on great granddaddy's farm
grandmama, mom, Parker, great granddaddy
Auntie M came to visit and brought her dogs.  While she was visiting, Parker celebrated his 2 month birthday on the same day that his doggie cousin Ike celebrated his 9 month birthday. 
Cousin Ike is a big puppy!
Chillaxin' with cousin Susie Q
I got to catch up on some work while my sister watched Parker, and Himal and I even got to go out on a dinner date! 
Who is this fancy couple??  Particularly the lady who did her hair and put on makeup?!  :-)

During Misty's visit, we went on a walk by the river with Chris, Maggi, and baby Lily and were quite a sight: 4 adults, 2 babies in strollers, a DOG in a stroller, and big ole Ike!

Uncle Shane even made an appearance and enjoyed hanging out with Parker.
This week, we've started a bedtime routine.  It usually consists of a bath with Johnson's Baby Bedtime wash followed by a massage with the addition of Johnson's Baby Bedtime lotion.  Parker actually slept through the night for the first time last night (if you use the "official" definition of 5 straight hours of sleep)!!  No matter how many times I have to get up with him during the night, I'm grateful that Parker always falls asleep right after eating (or even just rocking) and doesn't really get up for the day until 10:30 or later.  As a late sleeper, I'm thrilled with the fact that I can still sleep in.  His favorite sleeping position is still chest-to-chest on mommy or daddy.  
The cats have accepted Parker as part of the family.  I'm amazed at how they ignore him when he's crying.  Murray is particularly fond of his new brother.
We are excited about Parker's first Halloween.  I usually make costumes for Himal and me, but I'm too busy this year to make any.  I was excited to shop for Parker's costume, but most of the ones in stores are sized for ages 6 months+ and are too big.  We found a cute costume at a consignment shop that I hope he'll wear.  It's gonna make him HOT, so I'm hoping for a cool Halloween evening.  I'll be sure to post pictures.
Until next time...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fun weekend

I'm sorry I've been a terrible blogger lately.  Taking care of my sweet Little Man and working from home wears me out!  I promise I'll do better, and I'll catch you up on what we've been doing sometime soon.  In the meantime, here are pictures of Parker from this weekend.
LOVE this outfit that Parker's Auntie M sent him
Parker is 10 weeks old now.  He has really grown and weighed 12 lbs, 15 oz (88th percentile) and was 25 inches long (off the charts) at his 2-month checkup.  We don't know where his height comes from!  He's such a snugly baby with adorable expressions, and we love him to pieces.
Himal and I have an annual tradition of going to the state fair.  We always have a fun time, but I've always hoped that the next year we'd have a child to take with us.  That dream has finally come true!  We felt so blessed to take our sweet baby boy this year.
I love amusement park rides and Himal doesn't, so I've been looking forward to riding them with my children.  Here I am with my best pal on his first ride at the state fair.  So exciting!  I'm stoked for the day he can ride the big-boy rides with me and hope he likes them as much as I do.
I've also looked forward to taking pictures of my baby at a pumpkin patch and finally got to do that this weekend, too. Such a fun time!
Parker was thrilled to be in the pumpkin patch.  Can't you tell?!  :-)