Sunday, August 25, 2013

Teething and firsts

Parker's molars are trying to push through.  He doesn't seem to be in too much pain, but teething has resulted in soft stools for a few weeks and some diarrhea that sent us to the doctor last weekend.  Poor baby ran a fever and was pitiful on Thurs.  This was all he wanted to do:
He's had a few "firsts" recently.
1) Parker's first bath in the real tub - so roomy!
2) His first time putting his feet in the river.  He wished he could get all the way in, but we weren't dressed appropriately.
3) His first time at church.  Dressed and ready and handsome (but wouldn't stay still for a pic):
Here we go!
And this is what we saw when we left him in the nursery.  The staff said he cried for a while, then would play some and alternate with little crying spells.  Poor baby missed his mama and dada!  And we missed him, too.

This week, I finally learned the signs for "more" and "done."  Parker still thinks it's appropriate to dramatically wipe all of the food off of his tray when he's done and then try to roll up his placement and/or yank off his bib.  He actually signed "more" back to me today.  He knows it means something, but I don't think he totally gets it yet.

Lately, while playing, he comes over for a quick hug, goes back to playing, and then comes over again for another hug repeatedly.  It melts my heart.

He still loves his cats.  Jules and Murray sometimes play with him while Gilligan is the only one who will let him snuggle.  Parker likes to grab Gil's tail and walk around like he's holding a leash.  What a patient kitty!
In addition to his cats, he loves all animals and squeals with delight when he sees dogs and other creatures.
He also LOVES running water.  He's so cute when he leans in to let it spray his face, and sometimes he opens his mouth to drink.  Funny boy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My 1-year old

Parker's 1-year photos came back, and they are precious!  What a little ham!  It's hard to choose a favorite.
His new thing is snuggling with stuffed animals.  Adorable!
His walking keeps on improving

He had his 1-year check-up and shots yesterday.  Poor baby screamed bloody murder during the shots.  His stats are 22 lbs, 7 oz (44th percentile) and 31.5 in (91st percentile).  I find it very hard to believe that he only grew a quarter of an inch in the last 3 months.  He seems sooo long.  I demand a re-measure!

Two things we've really been enjoying are
1) car shopping carts.  GENIUS!
2) his push trike.  He thinks he's big stuff "steering" it around the park.

He got his first hair cut on Sat.  I can't say that he loved it.  He was ok at first in the car chair, but then I had to hold him and he kept wriggling about.  This "after" pic cracks us up.  He was mad because I took away his balloon.
Although I miss the long curls, he really is cute with his big boy hair cut.

Parker has had a couple of play dates and attended a Toy Story themed birthday party recently.  At the party, they had each guest dress like Woody and take a picture.  What a cute idea!

Since he first started eating, we've been trying to teach Parker the sign for "eat."  I'd love to teach him more signs because they supposedly help cut down on the frustration toddlers feel when they can't communicate, but I haven't made the effort to learn other signs.  Anyway, today Parker signed "eat" for the first time!  It was really cool for him to be able to tell me what he wanted.  It made me want to learn and teach him several more signs ASAP, so I'm putting that on the agenda for this week.

Since he's turned 1, I think Parker has become even more snuggly.  I'm not complaining!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday Boy!

Parker had an awesome 1st birthday celebrating at the pool with his grandparents, aunt and uncle, and friends!  What a wonderful year it has been!  We've had fun looking through his baby pictures and reminiscing this weekend.  This baby fills us with so much joy, and we can't imagine our lives without him!
He LOVED his first taste of cake

So happy Auntie M and Uncle Shane could attend

Happy birthday, precious baby boy
What a mess!

Parker had helpers while opening presents
Fun Mickey Mouse birthday
Lily and Parker are too cute for words

Silly kiddos!
Pre-birthday dinner at the lake with the grandparents
We adore his curls, but now that he's one, it's time for a hair cut