Monday, May 28, 2012

28 weeks - 3rd trimester, here we go!

Happy Memorial Day, and thank you to the men and women who serve our country!  While I didn’t have today off, I worked from home which was nice, and I was able to squeeze in a short visit to the pool.
Best moment of the week:  My boss agreed that I can work part-time from home once Little Man arrives!  I’m so excited.  I don’t want to miss a minute with my sweet baby, and this option might let me have the best of both worlds.
Baby bump status:  I’m starting to feel the heaviness of my belly, and I can’t see my feet when I stand up straight.  Here’s the 28 week picture; this bump is getting serious!
Maternity clothes:  I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable in pants, even the stretchy PJ bottoms I wear around the house.  The elastic waist is just too constricting.  I can definitely see me moving towards dresses as the summer goes on. 
Baby weighs as much as: A Chinese cabbage. 
Total weight gain:  17.4 pounds (change from last week: +1.8 – YIKES!)
Days until due date:  83
New this week:  I passed my last glucose test, so no more of those until we have baby #2.  Hooray!
Symptoms:  I feel like my feet are getting wider.  I’m not particularly swelling anywhere; my feet just seem a bit wider to me sometimes.  My thighs also keep expanding.  Ugh, cellulite!  My belly button is getting shallow, and, as usual, I’m tired and my back gets sore easily. 
Baby’s movement:  Little Man still practices his dance moves pretty regularly, and I can tell he’s getting longer because he can now kick me way over on the side above my hip.  I can now distinguish his hiccups from his other movements; I’ve been feeling them for several weeks, but because they occur so rapidly, I wasn’t sure they could be hiccups.
Looking forward to:  We received an invite in the mail to our local shower hosted by my sister and my good friend Stephanie. They have been planning for MONTHS, and we are so excited to celebrate Little Man in late June.
Gifts this week:  My sister was shopping again!  Here are the cute items she bought this week:
Look at those adorable Bama booties
Purchases this week:  Baby D’s dresser came in.  Now, all that’s left to do for the nursery is buy a toy box and hang a few pictures.
We took advantage of the Memorial Day sale at Babies R Us and bought him some more stuff:
I think Himal chose the toy more for himself than for Baby D.  Ha ha!
Dissertation update:  I was able to figure out the collinearity macro, and I updated my methods for the IRB.  I also reviewed some of my class notes to prepare for model building, which I plan to start this week, and I expect to submit my amendment to the IRB this week.