Saturday, March 31, 2012

Baby D Greeted Daddy with a Kick! (posted by Himal)

At 10:25 AM on March 31st, my sweet Baby D made its presence known to me! I felt my little superhero kick my hand that was laying on Kathy's tummy. It was so amazing! It felt like a quick tap and I will never forget it! I can't wait to feel more along the way!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Folks, we have movement!  I definitely felt Baby D kick today.  The funny thing is, I’ve been feeling this for WEEKS but thought it was too strong to be baby at this time.  Based on things people have told me and articles I’ve read, the first baby movements feel like:
  • Flapping butterfly wings
  • Popping bubbles
  • Popcorn popping
  • Swimming fish
So based on this knowledge, I’ve been looking for
  1. A very subtle movement – barely noticeable like a butterfly wing and
  2. Multiple rapid movements in a row.
I have not experienced anything like that.

I often try to will Baby D to move while lying in bed in the mornings.  I decided to try it this morning, so I turned onto my back and pushed on my belly.  I didn’t feel anything, so then I moved my hands to the left a little and pushed again.  After a slight delay, THUMP!  It felt like someone gently thumping a watermelon, and it felt deliberate.  I waited just a second or two and pressed in the same spot.  After a similar time delay, it went THUMP again!  I’m guessing that if another person had his/her hand on the outside of my belly, s/he wouldn’t have felt it, but I sure felt like I could feel it with my hands on the outside.  Like I said, I’ve actually been feeling these thumps for weeks (since week 14 or 15) but thought they were too strong to be baby kicking based on what others have described.  So, I’ve come to the conclusion that Baby D is strong and is going to grow up to be some kind of superhero.  Or at least a karate champ.  Ha!

This experience was cool because:
  1. Baby D has legs (or at least one).  Himal and I had started jokingly saying maybe it was missing legs, and I was planning on moving into a wheelchair-accessible house.
  2. Baby D has reflexes and was able to react to the pressure of my touch.
  3. The coolest – I interacted with Baby D for the first time!  Amazing!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

19 weeks

Baby bump status:  It’s getting harder to conceal my gut in regular shirts.  I’ve almost completely switched to maternity shirts, but most are still really roomy unless they are tight which isn't very flattering yet.
Baby is the length of:  A large heirloom tomato.
Total weight gain:  9 pounds.
Days until due date:  147
New or unusual this week:  One day, I noticed that my belly was off-center.  I assume this means Baby D was curled up on my left side that morning.  Since I haven’t felt it kick, it was neat to see evidence that there’s something in my belly that might be moving around.
This morning, I noticed some dull pains in my lower right abdomen which, according to the Baby Center website, is round ligament pain that should occur sometime around 19 weeks.  I guess I’m right on track.
My belly button appears to be changing from slightly elongated to round.  I can feel a difference in it, too. 
Symptoms:  So much for glowing pregnancy skin; I’ve consistently had 3-4 zits on my face for a few months.  Go away!
For the past couple of weeks, there have been several times when I’ve felt like my foot was about to cramp up.  It never quite did, but I’m bracing myself for the times when those become full-fledged foot cramps.
I’m still having tailbone, back, and thigh pain.  And I’m still tired.
Cravings:  SWEETS
Gender prediction:  Another friend told me she thinks it’s a girl.  Himal still calls it he and had a dream that it’s a boy.  I vary between thinking it’s a girl and it’s a boy.  8 DAYS UNTIL WE FIND OUT!  You have no idea how excited we are.
Baby's movement:  I still haven’t felt anything and am growing impatient.
Looking forward to:  Reaching the halfway point next week, finding out the sex and seeing Baby D on April 2, and feeling baby move.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

18 weeks

I want to start this post by stating how grateful we are to be experiencing a pregnancy.   Even with the ongoing symptoms, everything is so new and exciting, and we feel so blessed to be going through this process.  We can’t wait to see the results of the combination of our genes and actually have a tiny, precious infant in our lives.
Best moment of the week:  Ordering our crib.
Baby bump status:  For the first time, someone commented on my baby bump. I actually got 3 comments this week about my belly, so I guess it’s getting noticeable to people who know me.
Baby is the length of:  A bell pepper.
Total weight gain:  6.6 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Rarely in life do you get a chance to start your wardrobe from scratch.  Pregnancy is one of those times.  And it’s not cheap, particularly if you don’t have any hand-me-downs.  Thanks so much to my mom and sister for helping me stock my closet and to Himal for letting me go on several shopping sprees.  It’s exciting to have a new wardrobe even though I’m not big enough for all of the pieces yet.
Days until due date:  154
Symptoms:  It’s just crazy how easily I get worn out with just a little bit of exertion.  My back is still sore sometimes, and I’m still tired.
Cravings:  I’ve had a lot of sweets this week: ice cream, Girl Scout cookies, cupcakes, and Cadbury Creme Eggs.  Yummy.
Gender prediction:  We find out on April 2!!!!!  I’m going shopping immediately after finding out, and I know exactly what outfit I’m going to buy for each sex.
Baby’s movement:  When is this child going to kick me?  I lie quietly and try to will it to kick, but I just haven’t felt anything yet.
Looking forward to:  Feeling baby move around and finding out the sex.
Purchase this week:  We got our crib.  Very exciting!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

17 weeks

News:  Baby attended his/her first concert this week – Elton John.  Beforehand, Baby D’s daddy researched the effect of concerts on fetuses; he’s already over-protective.  I’m worried that this poor child won’t ever be allowed to leave the house!
Baby D also got a new cousin this week.  This is 9-week-old Ike who already weighs 31 pounds; also, here is Ike’s sister Susie Q who is 6 years old.
Uncle Shane, Auntie M, and Ike
Susie Q
My cousin is expecting her 2nd child on 9/20 – just a month and a day after Baby D is due!  She and I were good buddies growing up, and I hope that our children can have that same kind of relationship.  Congrats, LE! 
Best moment of the week:  We went to our 16-week appointment on Monday and got to hear Baby D’s healthy heartbeat.
Baby bump status:  Same as last picture.
Baby weighs as much as: A turnip.
Total weight gain:  5.4 pounds.  I think I’ve finally evened out after the weight gain on the cruise.
Maternity clothes:  Most of my shirts are more snug around the middle than I like, so I got several maternity shirts today.  Many are too big right now, but some can work.  I didn’t realize how few options moms-to-be had in clothes shopping.  Near me, there’s one maternity store plus the small maternity sections in Target and JC Penney – not a ton of options.  I have ordered a few things online, but I’m the kind of person who needs to try on 10 things to find 1-2 that fit, so online isn’t the best for me. 
Days until due date:  161
New or unusual this week:  During the night, my fingers have started falling asleep quite frequently.  I don’t know if that’s due to the pregnancy or something else, but it’s strange.
Symptoms:  I started sleeping with a body pillow which seemed to be helping my backache until I did yard work yesterday and spent several hours shopping today.  My lower back is now killing me, and it extends to my tailbone, buttocks, and thighs.  I’ve also noticed that it takes more effort to get up from the ground lately; I’m not sure if that’s because I’m out of shape or because of the baby.
Cravings:  I'm still drinking juice daily, but I don’t think I’m experiencing any particular cravings.
Gender prediction:  After months of thinking “he,” this week, I thought of Baby D as “she.”  My friend told me she thinks it’s a girl.  Himal still refers to it as “he,” and the bloodmobile lady assumed it’s a boy.  Just 3 more weeks till we know for sure!
Baby’s movement:  I really want to feel this baby moving around, but I haven’t yet.  I hope it happens soon because I need reassurance that it’s alive and well.
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender!!!  Seems like the first week of April is never going to get here.  And hopefully feeling Baby D move really soon.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

16 weeks

Today is our anniversary.  Here we were 6 years ago today; what a wonderful day that was!
March 4, 2006
Baby bump status:  I’m looking a little thick, particularly at home when I’m in my comfy clothes.  Here’s the 4-month bump pic.
16 weeks
 Baby is the size of:  An avocado.
Total weight gain:  7.4 pounds.  Wow, the cruise really jump-started my weight gain!
Maternity clothes:  It’s difficult shopping for in-between shirt sizes.  I’m looking forward to getting a real bump so that I’ll fit into maternity shirts.
Days until due date:  168
Symptoms:  Everything I read says that my energy should miraculously return during the 2nd trimester.  I’m still waiting on that.  I desperately need it to come back because I really want to finish all of my doctoral work before Baby D comes.  Right now, it takes all of my energy just to make it through work for almost a full day.
My back has been killing me this week.  I can’t imagine what it will be like when I grow even bigger. 
Cravings:  Cupcakes have been my good friend this week.
Gender prediction:  Himal pats my tummy and says, “Hey, little buddy” and refers to Baby D as “he,” so I think he agrees with most people that it’s a boy.
Looking forward to:  Hearing baby’s heartbeat at our appointment tomorrow and then making the next appointment when we’ll find out the gender.  Yay  yay yay!