Tuesday, April 30, 2013

There are no sick days when you are a SAHM

Some days are full of smiles, giggles, and adventure, and I give myself a pat on the back for being a good mom.  Then, there are days like yesterday when our simple goal is to make it until Himal gets home from work.  I've had a bad cold for a couple of days and have learned that there's no such thing as a sick day for a stay-at-home mom, at least during the work week.  Himal was a great help over the weekend and brought me lunch yesterday, but while "dada" is at work, Parker doesn't care that I'm sick.  He still needs me to lift his heavy self up to the changing table, walk around the house holding his hands, and pull him in his wagon.
We made it through yesterday with a few smiles and I got a big kiss from Parker as I was putting him to bed, so we'll call it a successful day.  Luckily, I'm starting to feel better.

We've enjoyed the nice spring weather lately but had to brave the rain for the March of Dimes walk with our Stroller Strides team.  We got a kick out of our family's coordinated shirts for the event.
Time flies so quickly!  Parker is almost 9 months old.  Pretty soon, the little munchkin will be driving.  He's been practicing with daddy.
In addition to driving, P enjoys holding our hands and kicking a ball around the house.  I'm pretty sure soccer is in his future.  He still isn't crawling, so maybe he's going to skip that stage like I did.  He's been able to sit alone for a while but falls over frequently; I think he leans to grab things and loses his balance (as seen here while trying to grab Jules).
Then, he cries until we set him upright.  I will be happy when he can stay up or get back up on his own.    
Happy May!  I will post soon with the 9 month picture.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Catching up

Parker is over 8 months old now!
He is at such a fun age.  We really enjoy hanging out with him because he's such an easygoing and sweet fellow most of the time.  We love exploring new places as a family such as the local parks, children's museum, festivals, etc.  He has 6 teeth:
and he's getting to the age where he can enjoy fun toys like these:
Parker is ticklish and giggles sweetly when I tickle his feet or neck.  He also loves to clap and shake his head no.  He's is so cute when he does that and wants you to join in on the fun.  When I start singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" or "The Hokey Pokey," he immediately starts clapping.  He also squeals when the Itsy Bitsy Spider starts climbing the water spout.  Adorable!!

He doesn't crawl or walk yet, but he lurches his body towards what he wants and enjoys walking while holding onto our hands.  He has started giving us kisses regularly; he reaches out his big hands, opens his mouth wide, and pulls us close to slobber on our cheeks/nose/whatever.  Sooooo very precious!

He now rides in the shopping cart:
and eats finger foods which makes eating out much easier because he is entertained in the high chair.
He also is a pro at lounging:
People think we pose him with his hands behind his head, but that's his natural lounging style.
Parker celebrated his first St. Patrick's Day by going to a festival where he enjoyed dancing and the swings.
He celebrated his first Easter at his grandparents' house where he dyed eggs,
We had some crazy-looking eggs this year.
met their mini horses,
helped Mr. Big mow the pasture,
swang at the park (he LOVES swinging),
got his first Easter basket,
and hunted eggs.
This baby is STYLISH!
He has also been busy with the ladies.  He went to an egg hunt with his gal pal Lily:
and then had to fend off her kisses on another date.  LOL!
He also met his newest girlfriend Piper:
Auntie M came to visit so that I could work on my dissertation, and she and Parker had a blast hanging out together.  He loves his auntie, and they had a ball playing in his new pool. Naked.  In the front yard.  He may or may not have pooped in the pool.  I'm not going to say!
That was a lot to catch you up on, and I'll try to do better going forward.  I'm hiring a sitter to watch Parker while I work a couple of afternoons a week, so I hope that will free up some of my evenings to do things like this that I enjoy instead of working.  Until next time....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Photo session

It's been too long since I've posted.  We've been busy with traveling, company, and work, but there's so much to catch you up on.  Parker had a great first St. Patty's Day and Easter and is developing such a cute personality.  I really think he's getting cuter and cuter each day.  Sometimes, I just can't stand the cuteness!

Until I find time to catch you up, here are some sneak peeks from a photo session we had on Easter weekend.  What a doll!

I am so blessed to be this sweetie's mommy.
Look at Parker's smirk and pose.  What a funny little guy.