Sunday, July 29, 2012

37 weeks and full term!

Baby D is now considered full term, so he should be able to survive on his own without any medical interventions whenever he is born.  Himal is super-relieved that we’ve reached this point.  It kind of feels like just yesterday when we were at our 6 week ultrasound and feeling relieved to see his heartbeat, but that also feels like a looooong time ago.
Best moment of the week:  My coworkers threw us a shower, and we enjoyed the company, games, and food.  Here we are at the shower:
 They served yummy blue punch:
And some adorable petit fours with little booties on top:
Baby bump status:  My bump seems big at times, but I expected it to seem bigger when I was 8+ months pregnant.  Maybe I just don’t really know how big it looks to others.  I had two people touch it this week; before that, I had only had 2 people touch it during the entire pregnancy.  One of the ones this week was a complete stranger who didn’t even ask first.
Maternity clothes:  For the last 6 months, I’ve bypassed the normal women’s clothes section and all the cute spring/summer dresses and tops.  It’s odd to think that I’ll be shopping in the normal section again shortly.
Baby is as long as:  A stalk of Swiss chard (a little over 19 inches)
Total weight gain:  25.0 pounds (change from last week: +0.2)
Days until due date:  21
Symptoms:  It’s hard to believe that I am the same person who used to rock step aerobics, Zumba, and kickboxing.  At this point, it feels like I’ve completed a major workout just doing small chores around the house or pushing a shopping cart through Wal-Mart.  My back, rear end, and thighs have been quite sore this week. 
New this week:  We think we have everything ready to go for when Little Man decides to make his appearance.  The only thing left that I’d like to do first is get the car seat inspected to make sure it is installed correctly.
Looking forward to:  We’ve enjoyed the first days of the Olympics and look forward to watching more this week.
Gifts this week:  Little Man got some good stuff at his shower.  Thanks, everyone!  He’s such a spoiled baby already.  
Purchases this week:  Since we had our final shower, HImal and I decided to go on a shopping spree and purchase the rest of the items we would like to have immediately when we bring Baby D home.  Here’s what we got:

Dissertation update:  I completed another interview this week and have 2 scheduled for this coming week.  I wish I were getting more done, but work has had me super-stressed (I’ve been more busy than ever during the time when I’m supposed to be slowing down) and I’ve had to use all of my energy there.