Sunday, March 30, 2014

(Almost) Free at Last!!

Tonight is my last night of regular work!!!!  I have to tie up some loose ends later in the week, but this is BIG!  I can't believe it and am so very happy. 

I can't wait to be like most stay-at-home moms who, upon getting their children to sleep, wind down, relax with the hubby, maybe take a few minutes for themselves, and then call it a night. I won't know what to do with myself when I can put Parker to bed and not go straight into my office.  Well, actually, I do!  I might take a bath and/or read a book, watch a movie with Himal, do a little cleaning, and get in bed before 1:00 in the morning.  Wahoo!!! 

I've been meaning to write a blog post on Parker's 1.5 year old development but haven't had time.  I hope to do that soon.  He's getting so big and learning so much.  It makes us so proud.  He's almost 20 months now; here's his belated 19-month picture:

He's such a silly ham!
He decided he's old enough for a big-boy swing.

He offers Gilligan a drink every night during bath.
He's obsessed with this big book of mine.
Today was beautiful but windy, so we decided to fly a kite.  Fun!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Pat's!

I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day!  It's been a while since I've posted because I am finally busy training my replacement at work!!!!  This is such a relief, and Himal and I can't wait for the day when I'm actually finished with my job.  Hooray!

There's a lot I'd like to blog about, but since it's after midnight (which is the only time I ever have to do such things), I'll just leave you with a few St. Pat's pics and show you our exciting new TRAIN TABLE!  Parker loves "choos," but I was hesitant about buying an actual train table because they take up so much room.  However, when I found a used one for dirt cheap today, I just couldn't resist, and I'm so glad I took the plunge!  I get endless delight from setting up the track in different ways, and Parker thought Christmas morning had arrived again when we set it up.  So fun!

The fam at a St. Pat's parade.  Parker enjoyed TWO lollipops at once!
Parker's BFF Lily was at the parade.  He loves playing with her.
However, Parker was not pleased when he shared his snack cup with Lily and she didn't return it promptly.
Dada bought P a remote control car.  Fun!

And took him for a ride in the wheelbarrow.  Double fun!

Parker and I shared a Shamrock Shake on St. Patrick's Day.  He loved it.
TRAIN TABLE!!   Choo choo!