Tuesday, February 28, 2012

15 weeks and crusin'

The past week was more about Himal and me than Baby D.  We went on a cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate our anniversary and had a wonderful time soaking up the sun and getting away from the real world.  I think that everyone should get away for a tropical vacation during the winter; I'd love to make this an annual tradition.
I learned that pregnancy + unlimited cruise buffet = not a good combo.  I ate.  And ate.  And ate.  And ate some more!  It was quite amusing. 
Baby D is already a well-traveled fetus.  S/he has been to North Carolina, Florida, and the Bahamas.  Here are some of Baby D's firsts:

Baby D's first cruise, 2/23 - 2/27/12

Baby D's first time out of the country, Grand Bahama Island, 2/24/12

Baby D's first time in the ocean, Nassau, Bahamas, 2/25/12

Best moment of the week:  Our cruise, of course!
Baby bump status:  Definitely looked pregnant in my swimsuit, but the unlimited buffet didn't help things. 
Baby is the size of:  An apple

Total weight gain:  3 pounds (pre-cruise).  I'm not going to report my post-cruise weight.
Maternity clothes?  I've fully embraced maternity pants.  Maternity shirts are still too big.  I've never been a dress person, but I think I might really enjoy cotton dresses during this time; they are very comfortable.
Symptoms:  Still tired.  I also learned that my back hurts during long car rides and after walking long distances.
Cravings:  I couldn't get enough of the chicken tenders and mashed potatoes on the cruise.
What I miss:  Partaking in the nightlife on the cruise and getting fully into the hot tub.
Gender prediction:  Still assuming it's a boy until we find out for sure in 5 weeks.
Looking forward to:  Our 6th wedding anniversary on Sunday.
More cruise pics to make you jealous.  LOL:

This is the life


Paradise Island

Sunday, February 19, 2012

14 weeks – Hello, 2nd trimester!

Best moment of the week:  Starting our baby registry.
Baby bump status:  No change from the last picture. 
Baby is the size of:  A lemon.
Total weight gain during 1st trimester:  3.4 pounds.  I totally made up for losing weight during week 12.  From here on out, I’m supposedly going to gain a pound a week.
Maternity clothes?  Bought some maternity pants!  This is exciting.  My regular pants still button fine, but they are becoming uncomfortable in other areas.  I haven’t worn the maternity pants yet but might start this week.  Now, I need longer tops.
Days until due date:  182
New or unusual this week
  •  My friend and I tried water aerobics.  The workout was nothing like my old step aerobics and kickboxing classes, but at least it got me moving all parts of my body
  • My cousin told me what a baby kicking feels like, so I am concentrating really hard on trying to feel it.  Did I feel some today?  Maybe?!?!  Probably just gas, though. 
Symptoms:  Tired, of course.  This is supposed to end soon.  I don’t believe it. 
Cravings:  Still loving my veggie/fruit juice blends.
What I miss:  Hard-core aerobic workouts, cold deli meat, not getting sleepy in the early evening.
Gender prediction:  I had a dream that we found out Baby D was a girl, but I think it was in response to a stranger telling me it’s a boy.  I have no idea where people, particularly strangers, get these “feelings.”  Himal says he thinks it’s a girl, but I think he might just tell me that to counteract all of the people telling me it’s a boy.  We’ll find out in 6 weeks!
Excitement this week:  Completing the first trimester without any complications, registering (Amazon.com and Babies R Us), and shopping for maternity clothes.
Looking forward to:  Our cruise to the Bahamas near the end of the month.  I’m really looking  forward to a break from work and being with Himal with no phone or computer to distract us.
Recommendation needed:  What diaper pail do you recommend?  Please let us know in the comments.  Thanks.
This week's purchases:  These cute bath puzzle blocks were on clearance.  While they are meant for the bath, they match our nursery, and I might keep them in there.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


As many of you already know, I am a HUGE Superman fan! Something that is on my bucket list is to go to Metropolis, IL…”Home of Superman”.  It is about a 9 hour drive from where we live (so we will definitely break up the trip).  We could stop in Nashville on the way since that is another place I have not been.

Anyway, I’m now even more excited knowing that I can take my sweet Baby D with me, too! I hope to go within the next two years.  I can’t wait to find Superman (or Supergirl) costumes for my little bundle of joy.
Sweet Baby D…I hope you are as excited to go as I am!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

13 weeks

I want to give a special shout-out to Baby D's grandpa today.  Happy birthday, Mr. Big!!
Best moment of the week: Hearing baby’s healthy heartbeat at my appointment on Monday.
Baby bump status:  No change from the last picture.  I went shopping for a bathing suit today to wear to water aerobics.  13 weeks is not a flattering time for my figure!  Yuck.  But I found a decent tankini with granny-style bottoms that will work fine for now. 
Baby is the size of:  A medium shrimp (about 3 inches long).

Total weight gain:  1 pound.  I actually lost a little this week.
Maternity clothes?  Not yet. Everything still fits fine.
Days until due date:  189
New or unusual this week:  
  • One day, I had several minor dizzy spells throughout the day.  They were different than the more intense dizzy spells I’ve had in the shower a few times. 
  • I found out that I’m Rh negative.  Only 15% of the population is Rh -.  As I told Himal, I always knew that I was special.  Ha!  Apparently, being Rh - used to cause serious problems in later pregnancies, but now, I’ll probably just need 2 shots in the rear and everything will be fine.
  • I had to have an early glucose test because I am “mature” (= OLD); luckily, I passed that so I can continue scarfing down my juice, fruit, cake, ice cream, cookies…. The test was fine, but coming down from that sugar high later in the day was brutal.
Symptoms:  Still tired.  Not as hungry as last week.
Cravings:  Still loving my veggie/fruit juice blends.
What I miss:  Sandwiches with cold lunch meat from sub shops.  Having the energy to make it through a full day.
Gender prediction:  Almost everyone thinks Baby D is a boy based on my lack of morning sickness.  However, my mom wasn’t sick when she was pregnant with my sister and me.  My uncle and my sister think it’s a girl.  I think it might be a boy.
Excitement this week:  Himal and I think we’ve decided on our stroller/car seat combo.  There are so many options; I’m glad we’ve narrowed it down.
Looking forward to:  Completing my first trimester at the end of the week.  It will be a relief to have made it safely through the first trimester.  And I really want to know the sex of this baby, but I have to wait until 20 weeks to find out.
This week's purchases:  Crib bedding (see post below).  I love it!  And this cute Valentine’s bib.

Crib bedding and babies galore

I ordered my crib bedding this week, and it came in today.  I know it’s a little early to be buying this kind of stuff, but I’ve been waiting a long time to be able to buy baby stuff.  Now that I finally have a reason to, I can’t help myself!  I wanted something gender-neutral that could be used with this baby and any future babies we might have.  I love this chocolate and sage set.  It’s very pretty in person and has a shiny satin sheen.
Originally, I thought I’d just throw a crib and changing table in the guest bedroom and call it a nursery, but now I’m very excited to actually decorate it.  I definitely want the cute wall art shown in the picture.  There’s also a matching polka dot rug that I adore.

I love the dark colored crib with this set, but because I’m keeping the kid’s furniture that’s already in the bedroom in there for when Baby D grows up, I might have to go with a lighter colored crib.  The kid’s furniture that will be in there is either a yellow or an off-white color.

On another topic, besides us, we know of six other couples who are expecting this summer.  I’ve been going to prenatal yoga with my good friend who is due a month ahead of me, and we've gone on a double date with her and her husband to the baby store.  I am so excited for all of these couples, and it’s so cool to have friends going through this experience at the same time!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

12 weeks

Baby's first pic:  12/29/2011
Sweet Baby D at 6 weeks
Baby bump status:  Not much to see.  Fairly flat in the mornings; after eating, it looks like I've chowed down at a buffet.
12 weeks
Baby is the size of:  A lime
Total weight gain:  1.4 lbs.
Days until due date:  196  
New or unusual this week:  I'm hungry all the time!  Within an hour of eating, I'm starving.  Also, one night I had to get up to pee 3 times - sheesh.
Symptoms:  So. Very. Tired.  And hungry.  Getting up to pee usually once per night.  Bloated/gassy.  Luckily, I haven't had any morning sickness or nausea at all.
Cravings:  This was the result of a recent grocery store run: 
So, yeah, juice and fruit.  One day I was really craving white cake which is not something I usually enjoy.  Also, whenever someone mentions something savory (French fries, chicken tenders, ice cream, cake), my mouth waters and I want some.  Right then. 
What I miss:  Aerobics, Zumba, and being able to shop or walk for an extended period of time without a backache.  And being able to stay awake all day without being completely exhausted.
Looking forward to:  Having my baby bump grow, needing maternity clothes, seeing baby on ultrasound again, decorating the nursery, and meeting baby!  And we really want to know the gender.  This week - hearing baby's heartbeat and (hopefully) passing my early glucose test at our appointment tomorrow, ordering the crib bedding, and having our new master bedroom furniture delivered. 
This week's purchases:  (excuse the big gap, I'm still trying to figure out the formatting here)

Baby's first gift:  Came a couple of weeks ago courtesy of Auntie M (aka Misty)
Bama outfit, Christmas sleeper, Christmas onesie
Previous purchases:
I couldn't help myself; had to check out after-Christmas sales on unisex items.   :-)
Himal was complaining that no one would buy Baby D any Gator gear, so I sucked it up and ordered this.  Gag.
I put it together all by myself!
This is Gidget in my old high chair.  My dad is going to refinish it for baby.