Wednesday, November 21, 2012


We are so grateful to have our precious baby boy with us this holiday season.  Having a little one makes the holidays even more fun! 
Here is what Parker has been up to lately: 
Being serious
Silly monkey
Parker and his friend Lily.  The ladies already can't keep their hands off of him.
Look at those cheeks!

He sucks on his fingers a lot
What a happy baby
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rollin' and strollin'

Parker rolled over for the first time today!  We were hanging out on the bed, and he rolled from front to back 3 different times.  It was amazing because it was so effortless.  All of a sudden, he just rolled over.  Of course, once I got out the camera to take a video, he wouldn't do it anymore.  This is a picture of him practicing yesterday:
We have a Graco travel system stroller which is great for places like the mall because the car seat fits right into it and it has room for the diaper bag, packages, etc, but it doesn't handle uneven sidewalks and gravelly pavement very well.  I had a jogging stroller on my wish list for Christmas and found a used BOB, considered the best jogging stroller brand, for sale on Craig's List.  Himal and I checked it out on Sat. and it was in great shape, so my parents got it for me as an early Christmas gift!  It is such a smooth ride for Parker, and I have had so much fun pushing it this week.  Here's Parker's new ride:
See how happy he is to go for a stroll in it?
Parker's personality is really starting to shine.  He's playing more and has an easy laugh and smile.  His happy face is pretty much the best in the world to me.
He's started really splashing in his tub, so much so that water splashes onto the floor.  We read together almost every day
and he enjoys playing in his new Jumperoo even though his feet don't quite touch the ground yet.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 months old

Parker turned 3 months old on Saturday. 

He's growing into such a handsome and stylish little guy!
He's gotten so big.  We had to remove the infant insert from his car seat last week.  When we first brought him home, he was about the length of Gilligan, maybe a little shorter.  Look at him now!
Parker is a strong baby and can officially hold his head up now, so we can play fun games like Superman:
He can intentionally grasp at toys, and he appears to be a lefty.  It's fun to shop in the toy section now that he expresses some interest in them.  We have rattles and jingly hanging things and squeaky toys and a mirror.  We also play with some chew toys.  He's only up for a few minutes of play at a time; then, it's time to recharge:
You know he's zonked out when his little mouth opens like this.
At 3 months, Parker was old enough to vote!  See, here's the proof.
Bibs are a common accessory now because he drools and spits up A LOT.
Even though he only possesses a few skills, it's amazing to watch him learning new things.  We love our little man so much, and there's really nothing better than seeing him break into a huge grin.  He's such a sweet baby.


Parker had an awesome first Halloween!  Can't you tell by his expression?  :-)
It just so happened that his grandparents, Mr. Big and G, were coming through to spend a couple of nights, so they got to celebrate with us!
Pre-trick-or-treat walk with Mr. Big
Here he is posing with G and the jack-o-lantern.
Then it was time to change into costume..... an adorable, fluffy puppy dog!!
We trick-or-treated at a few neighbors' houses.  Everyone loved him.
Trick or treat!
Afterwards, because he's so awesome, Parker changed from one costume into another.  Here is our little superhero posing with his Halloween loot.
Quite a stash for a guy with no teeth!