Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fun baby

Parker is such a funny, happy, sweet little boy.  I feel like the luckiest person because I get to spend every day with him. 

He loves playing peek-a-boo.  When we say, "Where's Parker?" he gets this cute little grin on his face and covers his eyes.  Then, he thinks it's hilarious when he moves his hands and we say, "There he is!!"
Where's Parker?
There he is!!
Parker LOVES books.  He has quite a few favorites that we read over and over and over again.

He tries to climb things and likes getting on and off of chairs.  He rearranges things in the house by moving things in and out of drawers and moving small furniture around.  He enjoys pushing shopping carts and strollers as well.
He knows he is handsome and funny and enjoys watching videos of himself on our phones. 

When he is around little girls, he tries to hold their hands and pull them around and kiss their arms.  So sweet!  But sometimes the girls want their space!

He's still a big fan of water.  We had to move the cats' food and water bowls to the porch because he couldn't help but play in them.  He likes to peek out of the cat door to see his cats on the porch.

He also enjoys nature: leaves, bark, mulch, flowers, grass, dirt, and pine straw can amuse him for hours.
The botanical garden has tons of interesting plants to explore

A leaf and a drain = loads of fun!

Parker tries to say the word "banana."  He also tries to make animal sounds.  When I say "duck" or "bird," he makes a clicking sound.  When I ask him what a cow says, he makes his mouth into an O shape like he's trying to moo.  When I mention a monkey or gorilla,  he makes an "ooh ooh" sound.  It's so sweet and so much fun to see him learning new things all the time.

He's still an animal lover, and we spend lots of time leisurely walking around the zoo.  He takes his time and picks up leaves and pine straw along the way.
This swan (duck? goose?) always comes to say hi to him

He is such a love-bug.  He gives sweet kisses and hugs on request and sometimes just comes over for a reassuring squeeze.   He knows the sign for "more" and uses it all the time to mean "I want that."  He also uses the sign for "done" which is helpful during meals and at bath time.

He's getting better with the church nursery.  He cries once he sees the church, but the staff said he calmed down within 5 minutes last Sunday.  He's woken up some during the night lately.  His first bottom molar poked through this week, so I think his teeth have been bothering him.  Poor baby.  Luckily, the pain hasn't slowed him too much during the day.

His injury is healing well but still noticeable.  Here it is 3 weeks post-injury.

Himal is about to be between jobs, and we are so excited to have dada home with us for two whole weeks!!  Himal has never had that much time with Parker, and we are very much looking forward to it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Parker vs. the library

The library won this round.
Calming down after the gluing session
Parker tripped in the children's section of the library and banged his face on a mean wooden toy.  He was screaming, and I didn't know whether he just needed a Band-Aid or if it required stitches.  The wound looked pretty big, so I decided to take him to urgent care.  Luckily, he didn't need stitches, but the nurse practitioner had to glue my baby's wound shut!  Poor thing. 

The actual gluing process was worse than the fall: they wrapped him tightly in a sheet so that he could only move his head and held him down on the bed.  He was screaming bloody murder the whole time.  My poor, precious baby.  Thankfully, dada was able to join us, and Parker got a hospital teddy bear at the end of the visit.  He was a total champ the rest of the day.  Tough guy!
Teary-eyed as we were being discharged
Parker also has some cuts near his eye, a little bit of a black eye, and swelling on the whole side of his face.  The wound looks pretty nasty.  I'm worried that it's going to leave a scar on my sweet, perfect baby's face.  :-(

In other news, we took Parker back to the church nursery, and this time, we were actually called out of the service because he wouldn't stop crying.  As soon as we showed up, he was fine.  His experience with the urgent care staff today probably only reinforced his fear of strangers.  Oops!

Not everything has been bad lately.  Parker turned 13 months yesterday!

I'm constantly amazed at how he recognizes new words daily.  It's going to be crazy when he starts talking!