Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fun weekend

I'm sorry I've been a terrible blogger lately.  Taking care of my sweet Little Man and working from home wears me out!  I promise I'll do better, and I'll catch you up on what we've been doing sometime soon.  In the meantime, here are pictures of Parker from this weekend.
LOVE this outfit that Parker's Auntie M sent him
Parker is 10 weeks old now.  He has really grown and weighed 12 lbs, 15 oz (88th percentile) and was 25 inches long (off the charts) at his 2-month checkup.  We don't know where his height comes from!  He's such a snugly baby with adorable expressions, and we love him to pieces.
Himal and I have an annual tradition of going to the state fair.  We always have a fun time, but I've always hoped that the next year we'd have a child to take with us.  That dream has finally come true!  We felt so blessed to take our sweet baby boy this year.
I love amusement park rides and Himal doesn't, so I've been looking forward to riding them with my children.  Here I am with my best pal on his first ride at the state fair.  So exciting!  I'm stoked for the day he can ride the big-boy rides with me and hope he likes them as much as I do.
I've also looked forward to taking pictures of my baby at a pumpkin patch and finally got to do that this weekend, too. Such a fun time!
Parker was thrilled to be in the pumpkin patch.  Can't you tell?!  :-)

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