Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yesterday, Parker made his first craft during play group.  Everyone else made hand spiders but he didn't want to unclench his fists, so feet ghosts it was!  He's so artistic; I'm a proud mom.  :-)
Parker is doing well in his crib.  He slept for 7 straight hours the other night!  We love our Summer Infant touch screen video monitor even though the picture reminds us of a horror movie.  I can just picture a demon creeping into the screen shot.  Creepy.  We can scan the room and even see that he's breathing.  This is his normal sleeping position with his hands up.  Such a funny little guy.
Even though he still can't really "do" anything, Parker has entertained himself a little bit lately with his toys while I have gotten dressed.  I even washed my hair this morning while he was "playing."  See how he's grasping the toy in the picture below?  He can't control his grasp yet and doesn't seem to know that he's doing it, but sometimes he swats at the toys hanging down or even grabs onto them. 
We had to drop by my workplace today, and Parker was a complete doll letting people ooh and ahh over him (he even flashed a couple of smiles) before falling asleep in my arms.  Everyone always comments on his eyes.  They are so big and alert, and we can't tell what color they are going to be.  The color varies day-to-day based on what he's wearing.
Tomorrow, we are going to a Halloween festival at the farmer's market.  It's so much fun having a little guy to take to these things.  Here he is in his Halloween PJs getting very excited about trick-or-treating.

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