Sunday, September 16, 2012

6 weeks old

Parker is 6 weeks old!

Oops, I missed the 5-week post!! 

What can I say?  I’m a busy stay-at-home-mom who is also working part-time.  I started back working when Parker was 2 weeks old, and lately, I have been putting in more than 20 hours a week; I am going to put a stop to that!  I’d much rather be spending quality time with my sweet boy.  My Little Man is so very expressive these days:

He is smiling more readily, and it is so awesome to see his face light up:
Parker’s Auntie M visited this week and really helped a lot around the house.  She also got plenty of snuggle time:

He attended his first social event last week – a baby shower where he and I won some yummy candy.  He was a really good boy and slept the whole time.

Parker went completely bald on top for a week or two (except for a small sprig of hair in the front), but now he’s growing his hair back.  He’s still wearing newborn-sized clothes and diapers, but I think we’ll be moving him up to the next size pretty soon even though 0-3 months clothes are mostly baggy on him and size 1 diapers look so big.   He is starting to form tiny tears, but he hasn’t had enough to spill down his cheeks yet.  He pees all the time, and I’m starting to worry that he has diabetes or something.  His neck muscles are getting stronger, and he can prop himself up on his forearms for a little bit of time.

He loves to be held, particularly chest-to-chest while I pat his back.  I’ve started using the sling some so that I can have him close but have my hands free to do chores and work; otherwise, I never have a chance to do anything around the house.  I had my 6-week postpartum check-up on Friday, and everything looks good.  I’m cleared to do all exercise and housework now.  I sure will miss my excuse for not vacuuming!!

Until next time, here’s a picture of Parker and Gilligan hanging out on the changing table:

And us cheering the Tide to victory!

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