Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 months old

Parker turned 3 months old on Saturday. 

He's growing into such a handsome and stylish little guy!
He's gotten so big.  We had to remove the infant insert from his car seat last week.  When we first brought him home, he was about the length of Gilligan, maybe a little shorter.  Look at him now!
Parker is a strong baby and can officially hold his head up now, so we can play fun games like Superman:
He can intentionally grasp at toys, and he appears to be a lefty.  It's fun to shop in the toy section now that he expresses some interest in them.  We have rattles and jingly hanging things and squeaky toys and a mirror.  We also play with some chew toys.  He's only up for a few minutes of play at a time; then, it's time to recharge:
You know he's zonked out when his little mouth opens like this.
At 3 months, Parker was old enough to vote!  See, here's the proof.
Bibs are a common accessory now because he drools and spits up A LOT.
Even though he only possesses a few skills, it's amazing to watch him learning new things.  We love our little man so much, and there's really nothing better than seeing him break into a huge grin.  He's such a sweet baby.

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