Sunday, January 27, 2013


Parker has always been bad with bottles.  It makes it hard for me to be apart from him, and it makes outings challenging because I always need a place to nurse him.  Himal would love to be able to help with feedings but hasn't been able to successfully give him a bottle.  This past week, I went to a mom's night out for dinner and left Parker with Himal.  I got called home before the evening was over because Parker was screaming non-stop for 25 minutes and wouldn't take a bottle.  When I walked in, he had stopped screaming but was a sniveling little ball on Himal's chest.  He was so pitiful, it was amusing.
I decided that maybe it was time to introduce a sippy cup in place of a bottle and tried it last week with no success.  Well, check this out from today...
There are 3 amazing things in this picture: 1. Parker is drinking from a sippy cup, 2. Parker is holding his own cup, and 3. Himal is the one "feeding" him!  Now, Parker did not finish all of his milk and needed to nurse afterwards, but it was a major breakthrough that he downed an ounce on his own with no fussing.  This is eventually going to open up a whole new world of freedom!

On the subject of feeding, I'm waiting until Parker is 6 months old to introduce solid foods.  A lot of moms start solids from 4 months on and seem very excited about it, but I'm really not in a rush to start him.  I'm not sure why.  I've bought the gear and read up on how to introduce foods, but I'm not pumped about it yet.  I guess I'll know when we are ready and feel more excited then.

This baby is getting sweeter by the day!  He's such a happy little fellow.  Here's a video of him playing with a new toy from his aunt and uncle.  His laugh is truly the most amazing thing I've ever heard.  In addition to his sweet little giggle, he throws in a couple of his signature raptor sounds in the video.
Here are some pictures of his awesome smile:
I haven't posted chalkboard pics in a while, but we still do them monthly.  Now, he plays with the chalkboard, so it's more challenging to get a still shot.
Parker really wants to sit up and is getting stronger each day.  He'll be sitting in no time.  I've been trying to teach him the word "cat" for the past couple of weeks by saying it whenever one comes into the room.  He seems to recognize the word and looks around when I say it like he's looking for a kitty.
Himal was jealous that Parker and I had been to the zoo, so we all went as a family last weekend.  Parker likes the fish the most since they are easier to spot up close.  Here are my 2 favorite guys on safari:
We are going to put his baby tub into our regular tub tomorrow because he is splashing way too much to stay in the sink now.  Himal had to get out a large beach towel to mop up the kitchen after Parker's bath tonight, and my clothes were soaked.
I've been reading to Parker almost every day since he was a few weeks old, and he recently started helping me turn the pages of his board books.  Here is my adorable early reader.  Doesn't he look so engrossed in the story?!
Little P loves to touch our faces and take off daddy's glasses:
I love my little guy soooo much.  He is still quite the snuggler, and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Pure sweetness

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