Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Funny phrases

Parker is a chatty boy.  He talks and talks and sings and talks some more.  He seems to have a broad vocabulary and does well making fairly long sentences.  He hasn't grasped the correct use of the pronouns "me" and "you" and continues to refer to himself in the third person.  It's actually pretty confusing to teach those pronouns when you think about it.
We love gymnastics - especially the pit.
He recently started swinging on his own.
He has great balance.
He pronounces most words correctly but drops the S in sp, sch, etc. at the beginning of words.  For example, he pronounces the word spoon as "poon" and school as "cool."  He also says an S instead of an F for words starting with F like "sore and sive" for four and five.       
Painting is fun!  And messy

The phrase I hear the most is "Mommy, hold you Parker."  He ALWAYS wants to be held.
Napping with Jules on mommy
Some phrases that he says multiple times a day are:
What you doing?
What dat noise?
Where Daddy go?
What is going on?
Do it again!

The way he says them makes them so funny, especially the last one. Recently, Himal was talking, and Parker asked, "Daddy, why are you talking?"  It was hilarious and cracked us up.
Goofy boy loves being naked